Most efficient method for making chicken stock #20/55
Recipe – Chicken stock (active work: 20 minutes; whole process: 4 hours)
Ingredients: (enough for making over 500 grams of tender chicken meat and 1.5 liter of stock)
One whole chicken
500 grams of yellow onions
400 grams of carrots
300 grams of leeks green parts only
4 liters of water
- Prepare the onions, carrots and leeks by washing them thoroughly and cutting them in large pieces.
- Prepare the chicken by cutting off its wings and legs using a small sharp knife. The easiest and safest way to cut the chicken corpus is to use a poultry scissor and cut the breasts free of the rest of the corpus as shown in the video. There is no need to separate the two breasts as only reason for cutting the chicken up is to make it fit better in the pot so that the chicken pieces can be submerged in water using less water.
- Pour all the cut vegetables and chicken in a large pot and add enough water to nearly submerge everything. No need to submerge fully as the vegetable and meat pieces will shrink and fit better as it boils and everything softens up.
- Spice the stock pot with thyme and rosemary and bring it to a simmer boil. Let it simmer boil for 2 hours and 30 minutes.
- Fish up all the meat pieces and lay them on a large cutting board.
- Separate the chicken meat from the bones and the skin that are returned to the stock pot to simmer boil for another 1 hour.
- Next filter the entire stock pot first using a colander. Then filter it a second time use a tightly masked sieve.
- Done.
Important observations:
The chicken stock should be stored in the freezer as it is the perfect growth medium for microbes so it will not last long even when stored in the refrigerator like 2 or 3 days. The chicken meat can also be stored in the freezer but will taste better if used right away. You can appreciate that your chicken meat will always be tinder and moist when being made in this way. This is unlike chicken breast that often ends up being dry and boring when fried on a pan.
Also beware that it is more efficient to make two chickens simultaneously as you will get twice the meat and stock but only spend like 30% more time cutting vegetables and pealing the chickens.
Use cases:
Chicken stock is a must have for making stews or for making most sauces. Homemade chicken stock tastes far better than the stock cube you can buy in a supermarket. I will also bet the farm it is far healthier and more nutritious than using supermarket stock cubes for your stews and sauces.
How to make duck/chicken stew that is delicious and healthy #7/41 |

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