How to recycle grocery glass containers for storing home-made food #15/50
The following instructions explain how to recycle grocery glasses of all shapes and sizes.
- Clean up the grocery glass containers you wish to recycle for your own needs to store food and spices.
- Take the largest pot you have and fill it with water. Next, simmer boil the cleaned grocery glasses for about 30 to 60 minutes. Some paper labeling of glass containers will fall off during this simmer boil. However, in my experience most glasses use a glue that does not dissolve simply from being boiled in water. Fortunately, when that glue is heated it softens up and enables you to rip off the paper or plastic labeling film.
- You have to peel or scrape off the labels when the glass is still boiling hot because the glue will harden again as soon as it approaches room temperature.
- Some kinds of labeling glue will still stick to the glasses even after successfully removing all the paper labeling or plastic film labeling. To remove that glue, you need to use a solvent. I use mineral turpentine also called mineral spirit or white spirit.
- Soak a piece of paper towel in mineral turpentine and start rubbing the glue off the glass. The paper towel will be greased by the glue so flipping the paper towel to start over on a fresh surface will speed up the removal of the glue.
Important observations:
Mineral turpentine smells strongly of gasoline and it is surely also unhealthy to breathe so don’t through it out in your kitchen waste bag. Discard of it in your outdoor waste container or rip it up and flush it in the toilet. If you do the latter, remember to rip it up in small pieces as the paper towel may otherwise risk blocking your toilet drain.

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