Homemade remoulade in less than 5 minutes #18/53
Recipe – Remoulade
Ingredients: (about 200 grams)
- 100 grams of mayonnaise 2/3 (Homemade mayonnaise in less than 4 minutes #17/52 | HMexperience.dk)
- 50 grams of sour cream 1/3
- 50 grams of pickled gherkins
- Parsley
- Chives
- Dill
- Optional: Spice and color with curry or turmeric
- Prepare the parsley, chives and dill by cutting it finely up.
- The gherkins are cut in 3-millimeter slices from start to end of the gherkin. Subsequently, the slices are dried up with a piece of paper towel to remove liquids from their surface. Next finish cutting them up in small pieces suited for your likings in the remoulade.
- Mix all the ingredients in a mixer bowl.
- If you like further spice and color add some curry or turmeric. This is not needed but most people associate remoulade with a yellow color, and you will get that with curry or turmeric. If you use curry, it will also add heat whereas turmeric is mostly about color.
Important observations:
I always use a mixer bowl to make my remoulade. When it is done, it is transferred to a nice-looking serving bowl and topped off with some of the cut herbs.
Remoulade is always served cold, and it should be stored in the refrigerator. Also beware that you have used freshly cut herbs. They will inevitably contain some microbes so do not keep the remoulade for long. Preferable consume it the same day you make it and keep it no longer than 2 to 3 days in the refrigerator.
Serving suggestions:
Remoulade can be used as a dip for chips or French fries. One of my favorites use cases is the Danish lunch dish (the Danish cuisine is at its best for its rye bread lunch dished) where you got a roasted slice of Scandinavian rye bread with butter on and a cut warm Danish meat ball on top served with roasted bacon, remoulade and cucumber salat.
For making Scandinavian rye bread see Scandinavian Rye Bread – Christmas edition #8/42 | HMexperience.dk
For making Danish meat balls see Danish Meatballs with Bacon and Capers #9/43 | HMexperience.dk
For making pickled cucumber salat see Pickled cucumber salat with chili, bay leaves and sherry vinegar #16/51 | HMexperience.dk
For making roasted bacon see Crispy butter roasted and baked bacon #19/54 | HMexperience.dk

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